Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Inspiration in Painting and Pricing Your Art

Tampa Bay Sunset
So much inspiration, so little time to paint!

Waterlogged with this week's rains and ready to get out to paint for my new gallery-

Moving to my own online gallery is big-only want to do it once. I've taken advantage of online information published to help self-representing artists go digital.

Rainy weather can offer painters a needed break to research, stay current on technology, and plan ways to turn over inventory so we can paint more pictures!

Favorite Sunset on Tampa Bay
When looking for inspiration, we need only look around our homes, our own backyards, or family and friends for portraits.

My backyard is the bay, my primary focus. Inside, a maze of stacked boxes is the focus as I prepare to move in a few months- less inspirational than the outdoors.

However, many an artist has drawn or painted gorgeous works of bag and box subjects. I know one painter who paints on boxes.

Art Inspiration, is an article with many ideas to boost creativity!

Once the new gallery beginning inventory is completed, decisions have to be made on what to offer in each venue and to set the pricing that will fit within all venues.

An online gallery's vastly larger audience requires extra care when setting pricing for domestic, international, wholesale, retail, gallery, small affordable pieces-likely a greater line of products. Having always used a simple pricing per square inch based on time, materials and venue, I now have to reformulate prices.

Pricing Art is a brief article that helps focus points of consideration in pricing art works.

In addition to paintings, prints, and cards, visual artists can now easily offer all the items we find in museum gift shops. When choosing marketing venues, great care must be taken in planning to contract with retail professional gallery representation. Their pricing and terms for selling reproductions could create conflicts. Multiple online sites could possibly be utilized to overcome limitations, if the original painting prices aren't compromised in offering more affordable product items.

Happy painting!

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All the best,

Gail Kent
Gail Kent Studio

Find me or my work at the following addresses:  my Fine Art America gallery
Gail Kent Studio Notes  my Tumblr blog site
Gail Kent Studio on Pinterest

Google+ Profile link
Gail Kent

Fine Art America Gallery Page Link for Gulf Coast art prints:
gulf coast paintings

Fine Art America Gallery Page Link for Tampa paintings:
tampa paintings

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