Blue Skies and Blue Seas at Picnic Island Beach |
Flood Tides and Tropical Storms cover the Southeast as Beryl passes. Beryl's rain clouds arrived in Tampa Bay today.
My own prevailing artistic flood tides call for blue skies and blue streaks of creativity that have kept me away from my blog.
Three canvases in oils and 4 in acrylics almost finished for the new online gallery of larger works. They're bigger, bolder,
in full color.
Jackson Pollock said "The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through." Agree, as I paint a blue streak, look forward to the new gallery, and let go focus on the Google and Facebook kerfuffle we've endured this year.
The small palette knife studies that I've painted over the last year, and offered for sale on my reproduction site are coming to an end as I move forward. There will likely be a few more uploads of works I held back. Photos will be moved to Flickr.
This study shows how I've begun to incorporate more color, more brush work, as I switched gears for the larger works. This is a gorgeous little painting that I plan to re-imagine in a larger work.
Using the same rich colors, detail will be in the clouds resembling the weekend sunset photos posted on my Facebook
GailKentStudio page.
Just as a flood tide is the period between low water, as in the above photo, and the following high waters as in Bay Sunset, above right, I've had the great pleasure of relaxing on the beach and working during a high creativity period, taking a few of the minimalist knife studies to more finished paintings. I've also worked on several large tropical florals-a little fun diversion.
Today's rain offers the perfect opportunity to catch up on reading, planning, shopping. This morning, I read articles about cartoons from Vanity Fair
Desert Island Cartoons; about multitasking from Harvard Business Review
Unimportance of Practically Everything, and another great one from HBR on how to be happier at work.
To be happier at work, find an interest to pursue, perhaps one that will lead to your own business, for your after hours activity. I must say, I look forward to my painting activities everyday. I'm totally happy with this work. That's why Google and Facebook are out of favor at the moment-they are a huge distraction from my happiness! Blue skies on the horizon don't allow for this distraction.
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All the best,
Gail Kent
Gail Kent Studio
Find me or my work at the following addresses:
Gail-Kent.artistwebsites.com my Fine Art America gallery
Gail Kent Studio Notes my Tumblr blog site
Gail Kent Studio on Pinterest
Google+ Profile link
Gail Kent
Fine Art America Gallery Page Link for Gulf Coast art prints:
gulf coast paintings